Elsen Tasarkhai, often referred to as the “Mini Gobi,” is a unique sand dune area located in the central region of Mongolia, approximately 280 kilometers west of Ulaanbaatar. This picturesque stretch of semi-desert is part of the Khugnu Khan Nature Reserve and features golden sand dunes flanked by green grasslands, rugged hills, and small forests. The contrasting landscapes make Elsen Tasarkhai an iconic example of Mongolia’s diverse natural beauty.


The area is popular for outdoor activities like camel riding, horseback riding, hiking, and sandboarding. Nearby, the Khugnu Khan Mountain offers additional attractions, including ancient temples and scenic trails that overlook the dunes and surrounding valleys. Elsen Tasarkhai’s close proximity to both desert and lush steppe ecosystems makes it a unique environment that supports a variety of wildlife, adding to its appeal as a travel destination. The location is a peaceful yet dynamic space where visitors can experience the feeling of the Gobi Desert without traveling far from the capital.