Khukh Lake of Khar Zurkh is located northwest of Tsengelmandal soum center in Khentii province, about 35 kilometers north of the central eastern highway, near the Khukh River. The lake consists of two freshwater lakes connected to each other, nestled at an elevation of 1,675 meters above sea level in the foothills of Khar Zurkh Mountain. The mountain, with its treeless front slope and sharp-peaked back, stands majestically behind the lake.

The area is a beautiful natural site rich in diverse wildlife and vegetation, surrounded by mountains. Historically, it holds great significance as it was here in 1189 that Temüjin was enthroned as the Khan of the Khamag Mongol.

On the shores of the lake stands a monument erected to commemorate the 840th anniversary of Chinggis Khan’s birth. Surrounding the monument is a crescent-shaped area with a diameter of 108 meters, featuring wooden carvings representing the 36 great and lesser khans of the Golden Lineage who ruled Mongolia. At the center of this installation are carvings of Chinggis Khan, his father Yesügei, his mother Öelün, and his chief queen Börte Üjin. The entire complex consists of 50 wooden sculptures, making it a culturally and historically significant site.